We are always striving to provide a service which meets your needs and expectations. If something happens that you are not entirely happy about we need to know so that we can work with you to resolve the issue. Please contact us immediately if anything happens that you are unhappy about. If your complaint is serious or not easily fixed we will ask that you provide the details of your complaint in writing including the nature of the complaint and the thing that you think should be done to resolve the situation.
We will notify you when we receive the complaint and then investigate all aspects of the matter before attempting to resolve all of your concerns. We will keep you informed and advise the outcomes of our investigation in writing.
If you are still unhappy then you may wish to take your complaint to the Complaints Service which is provided by the New Zealand Law Society.
For more information about this service and how to make a complaint you can visit www.lawsociety.org.nz, call 0800 261 801, write to
NZLS Complaints Service PO Box 5041,
Lambton Quay,
Wellington 6145
or email compliants@lawsociety.org.nz.